Wearside Classic 2014 Regs

1st - Archie Simmonds & Richard Simmonds - TI
2013 Winners – Archie & Richard Simmonds – Photo by Tait Images, http://www.taitimages.com

“Following the successful running of the last three Durham Dales Classic, at the Nissan factory in Sunderland, Durham AC have re-named it the Wearside Classic which is in line with the events location.

The event will retain the successful formula of the last three years using one of the car parks and the test track, with the Sports and Social Club being the centre for the day, where refreshments will be available all day.

Note spectators will not be permitted at the test track.

As with previous Dales this is a tests only rally with a class for modern cars, and as there will be no road mileage tax and insurance is not required, the plan is to run 16 tests.”

Documentation: www.durhamautoclub.org.uk/classics