Tour of Cheshire 2014 Regs

Tour of Cheshire“Welcome to the eleventh Tour of Cheshire. This is a daylight Historic Road Rally comprising of a number of special tests and regularity sections run by regular competitors from Knutsford and District Motor Club Ltd. The event is based about nine miles south of the historic city of Chester and runs on scenic lanes of Cheshire and Shropshire.

A similar format to our previous events has been retained on the basis of ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’, but I have found some new territory, both on the roads and off, and we will be returning to a number of our old favourite locations. Signing on will take place at the Bickerton Poacher Inn, Bickerton, CW6 9NW (MR 117/524 545) where Friday night food (at a reasonable price) will be available. Trailer parking will be available, for those who must, at Beeston Cattle Market which is a few miles away.

We are pleased to welcome HRCR Championship contenders but our event is designed to be suitable for both novices and experts. There will be no ‘plot and bash’ and the overall schedule will be relaxed. We will issue some handy navigational tips but there should be nothing to trick you in the instructions given. Please note the entry fee includes morning coffee, lunch and a hot prize giving buffet supper.

Knutsford and District Motor Club are extremely grateful to our regular sponsors for their invaluable support and I would urge you to use their services as this, hopefully, will see their continuing support in the future.

To encourage entries from pre-1960 cars you will note we are again giving special awards for this class of vehicle.

The North West Air Ambulance has again been chosen as our nominated charity (we have now raised some £12,000 for them) and I hope you will join our efforts to support this very worthwhile cause. Once again, we expect to have a good attendance from some of the rallying names of old from the ranks of Ecurie Cod Fillet – and there will be some ‘entertainment’ by a rally celebrity prior to the prize-giving.

Our organising team and I look forward to welcoming you to Cheshire. If you have any questions please do let us know, and if you cannot compete then why not offer to marshal?”
