“A warm welcome to Matlock Motor Club’s 42nd Rally of Derbyshire, a round of the HRCR Premier, ANEMCC, AWMMC, EMAMC, SD34 and ANWCC Championships.
Once again we receive the enthusiastic support of Steve Perez and his company Global Brands Ltd. We look forward to meeting all our “regulars” again this year and we especially welcome any newcomers to this long-established Derbyshire classic.

This is always a popular event and we will offer a very similar format to previous years – a competitive route with several sections timed to the second, straightforward navigation and the usual smattering of “whites”, including a double dip at the Walton Lodge special test. Following comments received last year, this year’s route will a bit shorter at around 135 miles, a lot smoother (we were caught out by the dry weather last year) with approximately 10 miles of whites (nearly half of which will be in the special tests!) and all competitive sections should be on the map before you start them.
We have included some of the best roads in Derbyshire (and a few in Staffordshire) in a compact route with straightforward navigation (just map references and tulips) complying with the EMAMC rules.
As always we need plenty of marshals, so please encourage your family and friends to turn out – in return they will get drinks and snacks, plus a free breakfast if they marshal in the second half.
We are again raising funds for the Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance. Please try to make a contribution to this very worthy cause – you never know when any of us may need them! Either include a donation with your entry or use the collection box on the night of the rally”
Documentation: www.matlockmotorclub.co.uk/index.php/ct-menu-item-5